Singapore Tourism Board

Turning W.F.H. Into Work From Heart

Struck by income loss, project delays and event cancellations, the local creative industry was not spared in the Covid-19 pandemic. But true to their maverick nature, creatives were proving that nationwide restrictions had no hold over their imagination.

Packed into bite-sized episodes, Work From Heart traced the inspiring stories of two photographers, a painter and a design agency as they put their heart into transforming the challenging times into a source of inspiration for new creations.

Ep 1: Fashion Is Calling... On Facetime

In a pandemic determined to keep us apart, fashion photographer Lenne Chai took to Facetime to catch up with her loved ones in an unexpected way – by making them stars in a fashion shoot.

Ep 2: Defence By Design

Can design save us in a global health crisis? Shifting their focus almost overnight, industrial designers at STUCK Design responded to the call of duty even though they were no medical experts.

Ep 3: Windows Of Hope

Yearning to break out of her home during the lockdown, avid traveller and painter Ho Ming Xia found a fresh new way to explore the world and her very own country.

Ep 4: Keeping The Shutters Open

As his own commercial projects dried up, photographer Jeryl Tan took the chance to give back to the community, lending a hand and a creative eye to traditional food businesses that were hit hard by the lockdown.
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(Just in case you were still wondering, we’re really an independent design and advertising agency based in Singapore. Not a bakery.)