Singapore Tourism Board

FoodStrings: A Peek Into How A Foodie Nation Weathers The Pandemic

Without a doubt, food is the one thing that binds all Singaporeans. But how would the food we love survive Covid-19? Like all other industries, the health crisis had hit the food scene hard, affecting everyone along the chain.

FOODSTRINGS is a video series that looked at how our beloved markets, hawkers, food merchants and chefs were coping in the changed landscape. In the four mini episodes, we also explored the role food played in our altered lives.

Episode 1
When The Wet Market Dries Up

The wet market is part and parcel of the Singaporean way of life. But with people avoiding it during the pandemic, how will the wet market survive these times?

Episode 2
Hawker Love

There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Or so we thought until we learnt of these kind hawkers extending help to the needy even while in the soup themselves.

Episode 3
They Who Deliver Us

More than any other time, we have come to rely on delivery riders bringing us our food to be enjoyed in the comfort (and safety!) of home. But with deliveries going contactless, it’s easy to overlook the real people behind the faceless transactions.

Episode 4
Kitchen Non-Confidential

We Singaporeans live to eat. And there’s no food dearer to our hearts and stomachs than our local cuisine. Two chefs spill the beans on Singapore dishes, cooking up a ray of light in these dark days.
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(Just in case you were still wondering, we’re really an independent design and advertising agency based in Singapore. Not a bakery.)